Previous Meeting Notes

Previous Meeting Notes

TVEWB recently set up a Dropbox for our group. To see our most recent meeting minutes click on the following links:

March 6th, 2015 Meeting Notes

February 6th, 2015 Meeting Notes

January 16th, 2015 Meeting Notes

January 7th 2015 Meeting Notes

December 2014

November 24th, 2014 Meeting Notes

October 10th, 2014 Meeting Notes

September 5th 2014- Fundraiser Meeting Notes

September 3rd 2014 Meeting Notes

August 15th 2014 Meeting Notes

July 2014

June 2014

May 28th, 2014 Meeting Notes
April 2nd, 2014


EWB-OIT Tanzania update
o   Hanga Abbey working on completing filter media placement
o   Chapter would like to complete piping to/from the filter cells, as well as cover the filter cells (roof or otherwise).  These projects may have to be completed separately, depending on the amount of progress that’s made.
§  Current concept for filter coverage is floating cover made using HDPE pipe and blind flanges
o   Plan is to return to Tanzania in June

How can EWB-TV assist EWB-OIT?
o   Provide guidance/review of floating cover concept.
o   Provide guidance in assessing upcoming projects
§  Ideally, assessment for next project will occur simultaneously with implementation of filter project (i.e., this summer)
§  Before assessment for next project, must get community buy-in on project.  EWB now requires local community to provide at least 10% of project cost plus additional donations in kind (labor, tools, materials, etc.).
§  Possible projects include replacing failed pumps and renovating an elevated tank.
o   Is there any interest in an EWB-TV member traveling with the EWB-OIT team to Tanzania to assist with project implementation and assessment?  Timing is sometime around June 17 to July 8 presently.
o   Dr. Thaemert will talk to student chapter lead about involving EWB-TV

Other Topics
o   Don will be the contact for EWB-OIT
o   EWB-TV members could travel to Klamath Falls if required
o   Dr. Thaemert will send example documents for their projects – both reports and (approved) applications

Action Items:

·         Dr. Thaemert to send copies of project applications and reports for Hanga Abbey projects
·         Dr. Thaemert to talk to student chapter lead about involving EWB-TV
·         Don to check w/ EWB-TV members on interest/availability in travelling to Tanzania this summer to assist with EWB-OIT projects


February 21, 2014


·         EWB-OIT Tanzania project update
o   Don emailed Dr. Thaemert, but did not get a response yet.  Don will continue to work to get in touch w/ Dr. Thaemert.
o   Once we get in touch w/ Dr. Thaemert, EWB-TV should propose a project/task to take the lead on.
·         Other projects
o   Agua Caliente project (El Salvador) is no longer open.
o   All other currently open projects are either located in Africa (logistically difficult for our chapter, given time restraints), or not water-related.
o   Don and Kiersten will continue to check open projects on a more frequent basis, so EWB-TV can apply for a promising project quickly, if one becomes available.
o   EWB-TV members discussed other potential routes to develop new programs/projects, including:  contacts in Central/South America, Partners in Health, company EWB resources, etc.
o   EWB recently started Community Engineering Corps, who would work on projects within the USA.  Don will check if there are open programs on a recurring basis.
o   Molly described the process of, and challenges related to, establishing a new program through EWB.  All EWB-sponsored programs must be owned and operated by a group within the local community.
·         Project Application Update
o   Kiersten reviewed EWB project applications to identify sections which EWB-TV could prepare prior to a project opening.  Many sections are project-specific, but there are specific roles and areas of expertise which EWB-TV members may be well-suited for.  Kiersten will send out roles/areas of expertise and EWB-TV members will respond.
·         World Water Day
o   March 15, 2014 – West Boise WWTP.  EWB-TV presents at 10:30 a.m.
o   Zach, Don, and Lorena to present on behalf of EWB-TV.
o   Zach to organize meeting(s) to prepare and practice presentation.
·         Other Items
o   Kiersten and Dilip are still not listed on official EWB-TV page.
o   Next EWB-TV meeting tentatively scheduled for the week of March 17th.

Action Items:
·         Don to contact Dr. Thaemert at EWB-OIT
·         Don and Kiersten to keep track of upcoming EWB open projects
·         EWB-TV Members to talk to contacts and examine other resources regarding developing a new program
·         Kiersten to send out areas of expertise/roles needed for application process
·         Zach to organize meeting(s) to prepare and practice World Water Day presentation
January 22, 2014


·         EWB-OIT Teaming Effort
o   Zach provided background on EWB-OIT teaming effort and their previous projects in Tanzania.
o   Don will get back in touch w/ Dr. Thaemert to find out where EWB-TV can assist.
o   Possible future projects include:
§  O&M Manual development for sand filters and/or pumps
§  EWB-TV should propose a project to EWB-OIT.
·         Other projects
o   Agua Caliente project (El Salvador) appears promising.
o   EWB-TV to investigate Agua Caliente project further.
o   EWB-TV to investigate project applications to see what can be filled out and ready to go so we can move on projects quickly in the future.
·         Ecuador project update
o   Hogar de Cristo has encountered financial difficulties
o   No news from Juliette (project manager), Hogar de Cristo, or Shane (EWB-Clarkson sponsor)
o   Sharon is moving to Australia
§  EWB-TV will miss Sharon
·         Other Items
o   EWB-TV to give presentation at World Water Day
o   Officers need to follow up with bios
o   Officers need to make sure EWB membership is up-to-date
o   Scott Hammond is the new regional EWB leader

Action Items:

·         Don to contact Dr. Thaemert at EWB-OIT
·         Don to keep track of upcoming EWB open projects
·         Kiersten to examine project applications
·         Dilip to investigate Agua Caliente project further


September 25th, 2013


  • ·     Guayaquil Water Filter project background
o   TVEWB and Clarkson University EWB collaborated on project to start up Guayaquil water filter factory to make clay water filters.  Recent financial troubles have caused the factory to shut down and reduce employees.  International volunteer Factory Manager Juliette Arabi has made filters which effectively reduce microbes in water.  The current challenge is the factory needs additional funding to consistently produce effective clay filters. It is important to note Juliette is leaving the factory on October 1st. 

o   Juliette estimates that the factory urgently needs $5,900 to continue production.  This includes some funding for an employee, equipment repair, and additional equipment.

§  In addition to the $5,900, Clarkson University EWB has anticipated the factory will also need a clay mixer, which is estimated to be an additional $6,000.

o   Bob Rainville of the Rotary Club plans to approach the Club with plans to contribute $2,000 if EWB (combined Treasure Valley and Clarkson chapters) are able to match.  The source(s) of the additional $1,900 is presently unknown.
  • ·  Concerns
o   TVEWB has not had any recent contact w/ local NGO (Hogar de Cristo)

o   It is important that the factory purchase a purpose-built clay mixer, but it is not clear whether this expense is included in Juliette’s budget proposal.  In general,  TVEWB would like clarification on the budget and if this is expected to be a one-time fundraising effort.
  • ·  Approach
o   Sharon will contact Hogar De Cristo representative (Anita Moreno) to reestablish contact, assure their commitment to the project, and talk about their plans for the factory after Juliette leaves.
o   Shane Rogers (Clarkson EWB Lead) has sent a list of budget-related questions to Juliette.
o   If the two items above are addressed appropriately, TVEWB has agreed to provide at least $1,000 towards this effort, consisting of personal donations and possibly a small fundraising effort.
o   Communicate donation amounts to Dilip and send funds to Shane Rogers, as this is a Clarkson EWB-sponsored project.

Action Items:

  • ·         Sharon to contact Hogar de Cristo
  • ·         Shane Rogers to get budget questions answered from Juliette Arabi
  • ·         Shane Rogers to send out email on how best to provide funding for this effort to the Clarkson EWB Chapter
  • ·         Molly to send out Guayaquil project materials to help w/ fundraising
  • ·        Dilip to develop/maintain TVEWB fundraising spreadsheet for this effort  
    • TVEWB Members to tell Dilip how much they plan to contribute if we proceed w/ this effort 

July 10th, 2013


  • EWB-TV members voted to team w/ EWB-OIT on Tanzania projects
o   No major roadblocks have currently been identified with respect to teaming w/ another chapter
o   Exact nature of teaming not yet determined (e.g., working on one project vs. working on multiple projects, etc.)
o   Kati will inform Dr. Thaemert that we will team w/ them, send over resumes, and schedule another call w/ him (for late July probably)
o   EWB-TV members should send Don questions and topics they want covered in the next meeting w/ EWB-OIT.  Don will create an agenda and send to Dr. Thaemert prior to the meeting.
o   It will be important to clearly define each team’s roles and responsibilities prior to starting projects
o   Teaming w/ EWB-OIT does not preclude EWB-TV from pursuing other projects, given the proper resources  (people, time, and funds)
  • ·         We will not pursue the currently available Dominican Republic project
  • ·         Don will continue to send out updates on open projects
o   Projects located in Central America are probably better suited to our group in the long-term  (most importantly - shorter travel time)
  • ·       No update on ‘Be the Change’ yet
  • No news on Ecuador project yet; Sharon will contact Bob Rayville again
  • Don will check to see if email from Oregon State student looking for help fundraising is for an EWB project
  • UPDATE: This is not an EWB project
  • Officers to send Kiersten bios (and pictures, if desired) to include on EWB-TV webpages; “like” our EWB-TV Facebook page if you haven’t already

June 6th, 2013


·         Summary of meeting w/ EWB-OIT Chapter and possible collaboration provided in other minutes
  • ·         Advantages to teaming w/ OIT on Tanzania projects
o   Experienced chapter could help new EWB-TV members/leadership understand current EWB project process (project application, design, installation, etc)
o   EWB-OIT Chapter has experience working in the area (5 yrs)
o   Hanga Abbey has been a supportive local organization
o   Teaming effort could allow sharing workload b/w chapters
o   Less uncertainty (in terms of starting work on a project) than going through EWB project application process
  • ·         Disadvantages to teaming w/ OIT on Tanzania projects
o   Projects are in Africa (as opposed to Central/South America)
§  Longer time commitment (~3 weeks total travel time)
§  More expensive (~$3,000 per person per trip)
o   Does EWB have any rules about teaming w/ other chapters?
  • ·         No final decision on whether or not to team w/ EWB-OIT chapter yet
o   LaDonne to identify costs associated w/ going to Tanzania vs. Central America
o   Decision next meeting (2nd week of July)?
  • No news on Ecuador project
  • We have acquired some recently approved EWB project applications
  • Don will look into additional information about the groups supporting the currently available EWB projects in Central America
  • Kiersten and Kati have established EWB-TV internet presence

May 31st, 2013

EWB-Treasure Valley Meeting with Dr. Thaemert (Oregon Institute of Technology Chapter) Minutes


·         Oregon Tech EWB chapter background
o   Group started ~5 yrs ago
o   Dr. Thaemert is essentially only faculty advisor involved
o   Student attendance drops significantly from beginning of year to end of year
o   Typically Dr. Thaemert +3 students make trips to Tanzania
o   They typically raise funds for projects through two local Rotary Clubs, receiving grants, and fundraising efforts on campus
·         Work in Tanzania
o   Group collaborates with Hanga Abbey (
§  Abbey has collaborated significantly w/ EWB
§  Abbey provides construction materials for projects
§  Abbey provides a place to stay for EWB travelers
o   Fly into Dar Es Salaam, drive to Hanga (long trip, approx. 18 hours)
o   Requires ~7 days of traveling (flying and ground transport)
o   Plan on ~$3,000 per person (covering airfare, transportation, lodging, visa, and spending money)
·         Previous projects
o   Replacing failed well pumps
o   Water quality sampling at wells and surface water sources
·         Current project
o   Installing slow sand water filter for surface water filtration
o   Monitoring previously installed pumps
·         Future potential projects
o   Slow sand filters made with shipping containers
o   Improvements to wellheads
o   Surface water diversions
o   Treatment systems (water and possibly wastewater)
o   Energy-related projects?
·         Teaming with the EWB-TV chapter
o   2 potential arrangements
§  Full collaboration w/ OIT chapter on a project-by-project basis
§  Multiple projects in the area (under one project umbrella); OIT chapter leads one, EWB-TV chapter leads another, collaboration as necessary
o   Dr. Thaemert likes idea of teaming so that the design process for the OIT chapter can move more smoothly and the OIT chapter can receive more professional involvement

Action Items:

·         EWB-TV to decide whether or not to collaborate w/ EWB-OIT chapter and inform Dr. Thaemert
·         EWB-TV to contact Dr. Thaemert upon his return from Tanzania (~July 10) and discuss future projects
o   If collaborating, EWB-TV members to send a brief resume to Kati Carberry.  She will pass them on to Dr. Thaemert to provide an idea of the group’s experience.

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